Guitar & Bass Lessons
Guitar & Bass Lessons
Our guitar teachers teach rock, metal, country, and classical guitar lessons on electric and acoustic guitars. Beginner students can expect to work on chords, simple songs and melodies, sight reading, and theory. We balance musicianship and fun by making sure that during each lesson our students are challenged with a new technical or theory concept, but always end with something fun such as a favorite riff or song. We use a variety of guitar method books to accomplish this and encourage students to bring their own playlists to their lesson to learn their favorite tunes.
Our teachers can even help with guitar repair, such as the set up or replacing your strings!
Guitar set up and maintenance is also available through our instructors! Depending on your student's size, you will want to choose an appropriate sized guitar. Guitars are sold in 1/2, 3/4, and full sizes. Our teachers will be happy to provide guidance in getting the right instrument for your child. We do not sell the instruments.
“When you strum a guitar you have everything – rhythm, bass, lead and melody.”
— David Gilmore
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